Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Group Assignment #2 Follow Up (Results from vote)

Hello Class,

Over the last few days I have heard from 16 folks in the class. An overwhelming 14 people said that they wanted to stay in the same group. The other two votes were undecided (but ok with staying with the same group) and switch groups (only because they wanted to meet other folks in the class, not because they didn't like their original group).

I must say, I'm a little stunned, but VERY pleased that you want to work with the same group of folks again. I'm also glad that most folks responded to my email in a timely manner. Ultimately, this is YOUR class and I want you to have some say in the course.

For the next assignment you will work with the same group you worked with for the first assignment. I will email out Assignment #2 either tonight or tomorrow morning so you can get a start on it.

Again, it makes me very happy that you all (for the most part) really liked the groups I originally put you in.
The Blogging Prof

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